
St. 约翰的独特的 文科课程 和 educational practices have long given it a highly respected place among American colleges 和 universities. Its strong commitment to collaborative inquiry 和 to the study of original texts makes St. 约翰的大学 a particularly vibrant community of learning. 通过密切接触的一些作品 世界上最伟大的作家和思想家从荷马, 柏拉图, 从欧几里德到尼采, 爱因斯坦, 和伍尔夫——圣乔治大学的本科生和研究生. 约翰的大学 grapple with fundamental questions that confront us as human beings. As they participate in lively discussions 和 throw themselves into the activity of translating, 写作, 展示, 进行实验, 分析音乐作品, St. 约翰的学生学会说话清晰, 仔细地阅读, 有效的原因, 创造性地思考.


圣堂所有课程. 约翰的大学 are small 和 students take active responsibility f或者是ir education, formulating questions 和 developing their thoughts in dialogue with one another. 圣?. 约翰的大学 share the college’s dedication to an education that privileges intellectual engagement over rigid expertise; they regard themselves as guides 和 mentors whose task is not to transmit information, but to pose questions that further students’ ability to develop as 思想家 in their own right. Every student’s contribution receives serious consideration as classes delve into discussions of foundational works of philosophy, 文学, 历史, 神学, 政治, 经济学, 心理学, 音乐, 数学, 以及实验室科学. (参见更多关于 在全球十大赌博靠谱平台的大学.)

通过沉浸在这些调查中, by examining their own ideas in conversation with faculty 和 fellow students, 并在他们自己的书面作品中探索他们的见解, students acquire formidable skills 和 cultivate enduring habits of critical analysis 和 thinking. They learn to take themselves 和 others seriously as reasoning 和 feeling beings, 作为合作者和同事一起工作, 和 to lead fruitful lives of independent reflection 和 shared activity. 除了本科课程,全球十大赌博靠谱平台的 students may earn master of arts degrees through the 研究所.

地点:Twice the Choice

St. 约翰的 has two spectacular campuses—one in 安纳波利斯, Maryl和, 和 one in 圣达菲, New Mexico. Students enrolled at either campus can transfer to the other 和 many students choose to spend a year at the other campus. Both campuses are situated in historic state capitals: 圣达菲 hugs the slopes of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in northern New Mexico, 而安纳波利斯位于学院溪岸边, 马里兰州切萨皮克湾的一条支流. The two campuses share the same interdisciplinary academic program, while offering a broad range of opportunities 和 experiences.


St. 约翰的大学 faculty are dedicated to teaching 和 are readily available to students. All classes are small (typically 13 to 19 students), ensuring that every student has a voice. While it can vary, the overall faculty-student ratio is 1 to 7. 论文的会议, 非正式学习小组, “请家教共进午餐”计划, 和 a wide variety of extracurricular activities provide any number of occasions for students to interact with faculty members.


St. 约翰的大学 students pursue all manner of activities outside the classroom. 这所学院有活跃的戏剧传统, a host of 音乐的 groups ranging from madrigal singers to lunch-time jam sessions, 艺术和摄影俱乐部, 语言学习小组, 还有充满活力的校内体育项目. 在安纳波利斯, the sailing 和 rowing teams compete in a number of regattas each year; other intercollegiate offerings in 安纳波利斯 include the fencing team 和 croquet club, 在当地与美国竞争.S. 在海军学院的年度 安纳波利斯杯槌球比赛. 在圣达菲, the Search 和 Rescue team allows students to develop their backcountry skills 和 to contribute an important service to the region.

除了, students in 圣达菲 take advantage of hiking trails that begin from the college campus, 在圣达菲滑雪盆地和陶斯滑雪谷滑雪, 在附近的圣达菲国家森林露营, 以及圣达菲镇的许多文化景点. 安纳波利斯的学生探索邻近的水域, 在小镇热闹的海滨享受生活, 并参观附近的巴尔的摩和华盛顿, DC. Both campuses also offer students a variety of opportunities to become involved in the life of the local community.


St. 约翰的 typically draws students from all 50 states 和 many foreign countries. The diverse backgrounds 和 experiences they bring to the college deepen 和 enrich their shared investigations. (见 新生班级简介.)


统计数据显示……. 约翰的大学 students excel in their endeavors both at the college 和 after graduation. 几乎70%的 St. 约翰的毕业生 pursue advanced degrees—many enter the nation’s leading humanities, 科学, 业务, 法律, 还有医疗项目. St. 约翰的大学 is in the top 2 percent of all colleges in the nation for alumni earning PhDs in the humanities, 和 in the top four percent for earning them in 科学 or engineering. (看到更多 排名.)

圣. 然而,约翰学院却没有一个典型的全球十大赌博靠谱平台的毕业生:全球十大赌博靠谱平台的毕业生从事各种各样的职业. 他们成为了作家, 酿酒师, 音乐家, 电影制作人, 老师, 天体物理学家,随便他们怎么选!


作为学生,在不同的学科中工作, 与哲学角力, 文学, 音乐的, 数学, 科学文本, 他们养成了思维灵活和专注的习惯, develop their powers of intellect 和 imagination—和 so become effective problem solvers, 领导人, 思想家, 和传播者. St. 约翰的大学 alumni span the globe as learners 和 领导人, 作为追求真理的热情个体.

St. 约翰的学校是男女同校的, 文理学院 没有宗教信仰.

  • The college was founded in 1696 as King William’s School 和 chartered in 1784 as St. 马里兰州安纳波利斯的约翰学院.
  • 第二所分校于1964年在新墨西哥州的圣达菲开设.
  • The college’s first graduate program was founded in 1967 in 圣达菲.  







St. 约翰的大学 offers no programs leading to professional licensure.

St. 安纳波利斯的约翰学院是由 中部州学院和学校协会; St. 圣达菲的约翰餐厅是由 全球十大赌博靠谱平台委员会.

关于St的其他信息. 约翰的,包括 学生的结果,可以在 安纳波利斯大学导航员简介圣达菲大学导航员档案.

查看St. 约翰的大学 accreditation 和 state approval documentation:
联系 总统办公室 去学校预约.

提交正式投诉至 中部州学院和学校协会 或者是 全球十大赌博靠谱平台委员会.

To learn more about the complaint process 圣达菲校区, the procedures are outlined in the appendix of the 圣达菲 Student H和book.

对于那些向全球十大赌博靠谱平台的大学—using the procedures stated in the student h和book—but have been unable to resolve the complaint at the institutional level, 他们可向适当的全球十大赌博靠谱平台学院国家批准实体:

St. 约翰的 was named one of the 40 “改变人生的大学”

St. 约翰学院很荣幸被列入 改变人生的大学, a book written by Loren Pope 和 first published in 1996. The list of 40 schools features distinct institutions of higher learning that offer an alternative to traditional university education.